June 1, 2012


Names of WoW Staff have been changed in this posting

Dear Mr. Stephen P. Roma;

I am writing to you and your team to detail why I am cancelling my WoW membership.  The reason listed on my cancellation request cites: “too many unethical business practices by WoW.”  As President, I thought you might be interested in what I mean by "unethical business practices."

Method of Cancellation
Let’s start with the method of cancellation.  I have been a member of many gyms and fitness facilities throughout my life.  These include lower-end facilities such as Lucille Roberts and Bally’s, to higher-end clubs such as Gold’s Gym, Equinox and New Jersey’s Atlantic Club.  None of these organizations require cancellation requests via registered or certified mail “for your own personal protection.”  Perhaps I have had to go to the facility and sign a cancellation form.  On one occasion when I couldn’t physically get to the facility I was able to sign a cancellation form that they emailed me and I was able to fax it back.  Many members I have spoken to at my Middletown location along with former members of WoW find this process ridiculous.  It is not only a waste of time and inconvenience to your members but a final kick-in-the-pants on the way out.  This certainly does nothing to help your word-of-mouth and credibility in New Jersey – something you are already lacking – but as I continued my membership, unhappily, with WoW I began to realize I don’t feel you fear attrition and instead opt for marketing and advertising campaigns that drive year-long contracts even if your low prices involve a revolving door.

Personal Training Freeze Policy
About halfway through my membership term I experience an injury which prevented me to keep up with my personal training regimen.  My doctor advised light cardio 2 times a week but instructed me to stay far away from the demands of strength training.  Considering the investment I made with WoW Middletown in Personal Training I chose to freeze my PT sessions because you impose an expiration date on these sessions.

I find it ridiculous that you apply a prompt expiration date on your Personal Training packages.  Your clients who purchase personal training are your most loyal clients who spend the most money with you.  Does it make sense to employ practices that can degrade their experience with your club?

When I needed to freeze my Personal Training I went to WoW Middletown to speak with my Personal Trainer, Lance and your PT Manager, Al.  I told them I would be unable to take full advantage of PT and thus needed to freeze my sessions.  I also told them the doctor recommended light cardio.  I thought I could freeze my sessions at the Middletown location but instead I was told I needed to do so through your website.  My trainer Lance walked me through that process using the on-site computer.  It was at that time I realized that freezing my Personal Training sessions meant I was FORCED to freeze my membership.  I could no longer access the WoW facility at all!  This was very upsetting to me as my recovery was long and painful and without access to cardio per my doctor’s recommendation my recovery was even slower.  During this time I was FORCED to join a second gym, at $55 per month, just so I can use their cardio equipment twice per week.  Finally I did get up to speed and was able to unfreeze my PT, thus my membership.

Account Freeze Policy
This relates directly to the above.  As a PT client who had to freeze her account because she had to freeze her PT I also had to pay your account freeze fee of $10+ per month.  Do you realize you offer packages to strangers off the street at this price to access your gym?  So you, in essence, are punishing those members who spend the most money with you when they have to freeze their PT. 

At the Middletown location you had a Personal Trainer who had to take maternity leave.  Most of her clients opted to freeze their sessions and wait for her return.  Their memberships were also frozen and they were not allowed access to the gym.

How is this fair to a member like me?  How is this fair to the clients of your trainer who took maternity leave?  This is a completely unethical practice especially since you have membership packages equivalent to your account freeze monthly rate.  Even if you limited access to the gym for these members, it is at least not as stringent a punishment.  You have again compromised significantly customer satisfaction among your most loyal, highest paying members.

This relates specifically to your PT clients.  Those members who do not engage in PR and choose to freeze their memberships, I cannot speak to that ethical dilemma, but again, if you offer a membership package that is equivalent to your monthly freeze rate, it is cheating your clients to not allow those who freeze to allow them the same accommodations that would be offered to those who are members under that membership package price – even if reduced access.

Management & Staff Handling of Client Concerns
Perhaps the biggest blow concerning the experience I had with my PT freeze and subsequent membership freeze was the conversation I had with Al, a conversation that my personal trainer Lance was extremely aggressive I take part in, where I expressed these concerns.  He told me the story about the Personal Trainer who took maternity leave.  He also told me he put her clients on a written list by the front desk and allowed those members access to the gym, bypassing WoW policy – he would have been happy to do this for me had I come to him.  I would not be telling you this had Al resigned from the organization, but this was completely insulting to me.

I froze my PT sessions in-house.  I mentioned to my Personal Trainer that I was disappointed I couldn’t access the facility during this time, particularly given my doctor’s instruction.  Why did he not escalate these concerns to his manager?  Why did Al not ask Lance, during meetings with his staff, what the status was of his clients in terms of progress, overall satisfaction, upsell opportunities, etc?  PERHAPS AL SHOULD HAVE COME TO ME.  That would have saved me about $500 on a second gym membership (DUES ONLY).

Certainly both Lance and Al figured out that they were in danger of losing me as a PT client.  Lance was so aggressive of getting me to sit down with Al.  I had to cancel a session with Lance due to a last minute client meeting.  I contacted him offering 23-1/2 hours’ notice.  I asked him to please forgive the 30 minutes and not penalize me a session despite the cancellation policy.  He told me he would if I could come in later in the day to train AND sit down with Al.  Unfortunately I wasn’t able to make it – also because of the client meeting, but the requests to sit down with Al “because they were working on plans that were better suited to my PT session habits” were so overly aggressive (not bothersome, just aggressive) that I knew, again as a seasoned Marketer and Sales Professional, that something was stirring.  During this meeting, before I even got to say anything because I had seen Al earlier in my workout and told him I had some things to discuss with him too, he began a hard sell of the many options I could partake in for my next PT purchase, all which involve a 12-month commitment but I could use them faster than 12 months if I wanted to.  I told him considering what I had experienced during my tenure at WoW with the PT Freeze and Account Freeze that I would under no circumstances be committing to a 12 month package.  I also learned at that time that I would be auto-Lanceed for PT in 5 days – which I had completely forgotten about due to the PT freeze – I just lost track of time.

Auto-Lance / Renewal of Personal Training
No gym. NO GYM does this.  This is the most ridiculous practice of almost all.  Honestly, everything I have mentioned so far is stated in your lengthy and confusing contracts.  The last I looked at your PT packages, also very confusing.  Why do you leave it up to the client to have to keep track of when they will be auto-Lanceed upwards for $400, $600, $800 or more for Personal Training which they may have decided during the course of their previous term they may not want.  Perhaps it’s a bad time for them and they’d rather re-up 2 weeks later.  I personally had opted out twice and then repurchased only a few weeks later.  I am an organized person who lives and dies by my Outlook Calendar.  Had I not put a reminder in to cancel auto-Lanceing of my PT I would have forgotten.  How many of your clients have forgotten?  How much money have you received as a result?  How much have you credited in the form of membership dues just to hold these members fiscally hostage for a longer membership term?  There are many scenarios in which WoW could have received this money without the full intention of the client and the client either opted not to fight for the money back or found it too difficult to go through your rigid communication channels and short-handed options to get the money back.   

Customer Service
I realize good help is hard to come by – but the person most attentive to your clients at your WoW facility is the young lady who owns the shake bar which is completely independent of WoW.  Your front door staff is often engaged in conversation with each other.  They break long enough to say have a nice workout. 

But worse is your Personal Training crew.  The Training area, particularly at peak times, has trainers and clients sharing space.  More often than not Trainers are engaging in conversation with each other, sharing private jokes, laughing and talking about “what (they) did last night.”  This as you are curious to know how many lat pulls you have left.  I have often felt isolated on those during workouts due to this lack of attention.  I do not know if my form is right, I do not know if I could be going faster though the exercise.  I want to be pushed, not left along.  If I wanted to work out alone I do not need to pay $1600/2 months for that privilege.  My trainer has repeatedly arrived several minutes late to my session and ended several minutes early.  Yes, we are only talking about 3 minutes on both sides but that would be 6 out of 30 minutes which over 5 sessions equals a session in and of itself.  He strolls over from the shake bar where I notice he spends a lot of his down time, drinking water with zero pep in his step. 

This is a huge contrast to my NEW personal trainer at Gold’s Gym, the gym I had to join during my injury when I couldn’t access WOW.  He finds me where I am warming up on a cardio machine before my session.  He tells me to stay there until he comes to get me – he has all the equipment needed for our workout set up ahead of time, instead of where at Gold’s I have to wait while my trainer strolls to retrieve this equipment.  He does the exercise with me – either across from me or next to me, commenting on my form, telling me I don’t have to rush, or telling me to speed it up.  He pushes me as I’ve asked to be pushed – as I ask all of my trainers to push me – instead of telling me to stop and then finishing the thought he was sharing with a colleague.  He is also always explaining the exercise and telling me why it shouldn’t irritate my injury – he is always checking up on my injury both before, during and after the exercise.  If he has the extra time he will stretch me with moves designed to target my pain, if not he will tell me exactly what I should do.  And all this with a simple PT package outline, no auto-renewal fees to worry about, no stringent expiration dates on the package and laser-like focus.  Oh, and if you’re questioning price-point – PT sessions at Gold’s are less expensive than at WoW.

For the record, I have contacted your organization several times throughout my membership regarding ALL of the above.  At any time these issues could have been addressed by your membership team, supervisors and executives.     I do not know how many emails you receive like.  I don’t know how many you don’t when client still feel this way.  In either case I imagine both figures are high considering your attrition rate.

You have the branding and recognition to be one of the most prominent names in New Jersey fitness.  It is only once members get inside your door that they realize Keep Jersey Strong is Keeping Jersey Frustrated.

This letter will be posted as an open letter to you on my Blog.  The names of my personal trainer and your PT manager will be changed.


Jennifer L. Pricci

Over 30 days after sending this letter along with cancellation paperwork there was no response from any WoW representative.

April 6, 2012

9 Proven Ways for Businesses to Attract Attention on Pinterest

By now you’ve probably heard plenty about Pinterest — the new social media platform that acts like a virtual pinboard. Pinterest lets users pull photos and other content from the web to “pin” on their own “board,” organizing their favorite online content and making it all easily shareable.

America’s now 3rd most popular social media darling at 104 Million visits in March 2012, behind Facebook (700 Billion visits) and Twitter (182 Million), can also be an attractive proposition for small businesses who want to get the word out about their products.

Source: Experian Hitwise

Why You Can’t Afford To Ignore Pinterest:  
  • Pinterest grew to 10 million users faster than any other independent website in history.
  • According to Mashable.com, most users are spending more time on Pinterest than Facebook.
  • Nearly 12 million monthly unique visitors.
  • Daily users have increased by more than 145% since the start of 2012
Here’s What Pinterest Can Do For Your Business:
  • Drive a massive and consistant stream of quality traffic to your site.
  • Sends quality traffic that can turn into more sales.  In the last six months, the retail deal site ideeli.com has seen a 446% increase in traffic from Pinterest and sales resulting from those visits have increased by 500%.
  • Provides a platform to establish your credibility, build relationships with prospective customers, and become a leader in your industry. 

“A Pinterest board is a screamingly obvious setup for an online catalog.
Click a Photo and Jump to a Page where you can buy it.”

New York Times

Here are nine proven ways to attract the attention of your target market, improve your click-throughs, and spread the word about a new product or service:
1. Spend the time
Like any social network, and maybe even more with this demographic, Pinterest.com requires an investment in time. Jason White, who owns Quality Woven Labels, says one key is to build relationships with those who are known for quality “pins” at the site. He says, once these movers and shakers get to know you and your business, they will be more likely to post about your product. White says to focus on the users who get the most likes and repins.
"All of these repins and likes share a common interest, making it easier to take the conversation to Twitter or Facebook to nurture the relationship," he says. "Like everything else, be real and show your true self. Authenticity is hugely important."
2. Keep it simple
The main appeal of Pinterest is that the site is exceptionally easy to use. Everyone has a “board” where they pin images that are all the same size. Hana Abaza, the co-founder and CEO of Wedding Republic, says it's best to mimic Pinterest's uncluttered aesthetic, so she creates boards that are clean and elegant looking. Each pinned photo includes one link back to her site (you click once to see the pin page, and again to see the source site). Abaza says Pinterest dramatically boosted page views. Through her social media efforts she saw a 75 percent increase in traffic, with Pinterest generating most of that.
3. Connect your physical presence with your online presence
It’s important to connect the dots between a physical location and your Pinterest page. Becca Bijoch does public relations for the Minneapolis store Creative Kidstuff. Often the physical store will feature online ads and Pinterest promotions. Soon the company website will feature Pinterest buttons. So far, the campaign has yielded about 150 extra page views directly from Pinterest and two direct sales. Not astounding, but that's only after using the site for about 30 days.
4. Make sure your business is a match
This tip might seem obvious, but Pinterest caters to those looking for recipes, room décor, and do-it-yourself crafts - those businesses that flourish leveraging high-impact images. If your company sells power sanders, you might not be a good fit. Quality Woven Labels, which makes tags for custom clothing, has been able to use Pinterest to connect with the perfect demographic: independent fashion designers.
Pinterest also has a higher female to male demographic.  Some estimate a 60/40 split.
5. Use other social nets to feed Pinterest
The new kid on the block may be getting all of the hype, but existing social networks have one advantage: a vast number of users. Justin Palmer, the online awareness director at Sevenly, a custom T-Shirt shop, says to get the most number of eyeballs his company uses Tumblr and Facebook to point people to Pinterest.
Integrated marketing is key to all you do!
6. Launch a daily pin theme
Sevenly has created a daily pin to promote its brand. The idea is to come up with a catchy slogan that is tied to the organization's charity work and memorable enough so that the images get re-pinned. The daily themed pins usually lead to repeat visitors. Sevenly also posts a weekly custom-designed t-shirt, which is often re-pinned by other Pinterest users. Bonus: They come back often looking for the new one.
7. Promote more than products
The temptation for any business is to post pins only for products you sell. Giselle Gonzalez is a promoter for Cakestyle, a company that makes wardrobe suggestions for women, and says one key is to post interesting news tidbits, tips, and products from other companies. She says Pinterest users are savvy in spotting a board that is too self-serving and only posts product photos.
8. Follow the big hitters
One of the best ways to raise awareness about your company is to start following the big names on Pinterest. This is the proven method on Twitter: When you follow popular figures, and they follow you back, other Twitter users get the message and follow the leader. Sevenly’s Palmer says it’s important to find out who is “pinning” your products and to follow them to see if they follow you back. Most do, he says.
9. Selective curating
Pinterest caters to those who love to “curate” or weed out the good from the bad. Presenza, a custom clothing designer, finds unique products beyond their own offering and pins them. The company also uses key phrases on their board like “made in the USA” and “defining confidence” to help define the brand.

Given the current media landscape, PHANTOM POWER is highly adept at reprioritizing marketing initiatives to meet the changing priorities of target audience behavior.  We stay ahead of the trends to get your message heard via multiple channels. 

Marketing by Design

February 3, 2012

7 Unwritten Rules Of Social Media

Social media seems easy especially because the barrier to entry is low. You can be up and running on any social media platform in minutes, and usually for free. In reality, social media is hard for exactly the same reason. When the barrier to entry is low, the barrier to attention is high.

The fundamental path to succeeding with social media is to consistently contribute meaningfully—engaging with you should make the lives of those engaging more meaningful. The bonus would be to achieve this without adding costs to the others.

As you think through your social media strategy, here are seven unwritten rules of social media.

1. Connection does not imply permission
Many social networks make it easy for you to connect with anyone. You can follow someone on Twitter, Quora or Google Plus without needing their permission to do that. A small percentage of them might follow you back. If they do, you have a two-way connection. Don’t confuse the two-way connection as permission to interrupt them. You need to build a relationship and there is no shortcut for that.

2. Access does not imply entitlement
When you connect with someone on a social network and start engaging with them, you have access. Don’t assume that they owe you something because you are now engaging them on social media.

3. Activity is not productivity
The barrier to create content on a social network is virtually non-existent. This means that you can write whatever you want irrespective of whether it makes sense or not. You can get extremely busy with social media— trying to post anything and everything. In your enthusiasm to share, you might drop the quality of what you share and that’s when the problem starts—people will silently start to ignore you.

4. More is not better
When what you write about is a hit for some reason, you tend to end up doing more of it on social media forgetting that everything has a lifecycle of its own. What’s hot today may not stay hot tomorrow and what’s hot tomorrow may not stay hot. So trying to do more of what works does not guarantee success—you need to adapt all the time.

5. Reciprocation is optional
Don’t do anything with an expectation that someone will reciprocate back. Equal actions don’t create equal impact on social media. Say you have a 1,000 followers and you share something from another person who has 10,000 followers. Expecting him to share something from you would mean you are expecting someone to give back ten times of what you gave them.

6. Amplification without accomplishment is futile
Social media is a great amplifier. But fundamentals of mathematics are always at play. You can multiply zero with anything and the result will still be zero. You need relevant accomplishments as the foundation and social media can help amplify them. Sans accomplishments, it’s hard to amplify. Unless your business is to make money with social media, you have to get out of social media and spend time on building some meaningful accomplishments. Once you have them, you can use those to extend your influence using social media.

7. Engagement without enrichment is not effective
You are only as rich as the enrichment you bring to the world around you. When you enrich someone, you make their life more meaningful—at home or at work or in both places. Social media provides an excellent opportunity enrich people’s lives. Engagement for the sake of engagement can only make you get tired. Engage with an intention to enrich and you will not only win with social media but also makes this world a better place.

How do you contribute meaningfully to the social media-sphere?

Marketing by Design

January 14, 2012

5 Simple Rules for Digital Marketers

  1. Listen, engage, and participate.  Measure social media initiatives and tie these measurements back to business value, but keep in mind: it's not a one-way street.
  2. Develop a mobile strategy, but realize that mobile is not a channel - it's a platform.
  3. No mater the medium or technology, marketers still need to deliver relevant and engaging content to customers.
  4. Heard the terms marketing and ROI used together lately?  Take it to heart.  With tight budgets, allocating spending and measuring its ROI will continue to be a running battle in marketing departments.
  5. It's too tough out there to commit budgets without a clear return in sight.  Being able to demonstrate value of marketing initiatives back to the overall business objectives is paramount (i.e. what the CEO cares about).
Marketing by Design


January 4, 2012

*Branded* Content is King

According to a recent study by the Custom Content Council and ContentWise, 78% of U.S. marketers plan to shift investments from traditional marketing to branded content marketing. More specifically, 62% are “moderately” making the shift, while 16% are pursuing it “aggressively.”

The study found that branded content marketing spending reached its highest level ever in 2011, just shy of $2 million per company. This accounted for 26% of overall marketing, advertising, and communications budgets for the year, and 30% of marketers expect their content budgets to increase in 2012.

Why content?

The top-ranked reasons are:
  1. To educate customers (49%)
  2. To retain customers (26%)
  3. To increase brand loyalty (14%)
Similarly, marketers believe content marketing is more effective than:
  1. Magazine ads (72%)
  2. Public relations (69%)
  3. Direct mail (69%)
  4. Television ads (62%)
Is your brand pursuing a branded content marketing strategy?

Marketing by Design

January 2, 2012

How to Raise Your Hourly Rates

If you work as an independent professional or employee whereby you get paid by the hour, then your income depends heavily on your hourly rate. So obviously if you can raise your hourly rate, you can earn more money without working longer hours.

But when does it make sense to raise your hourly rate? How do you know if you’re charging a fair price for the service you provide?

When Not to Raise Your Rates

If you’re going to raise your rates, there should be solid business reasons for doing so. In the absence of such reasons, it makes no sense to raise your rates.
Because you feel like it is not a solid business reason.

Nor is the desire to earn more money. That’s a nice intention, but it’s not a justification for charging your clients more for the same service.

When to Raise Your Rates
Here are some cases where raising your rates may be a wise choice:

  1. You’ve improved your service and/or skills  If you’re able to provide more value to your clients in less time, then raising your rates to reflect your increased quality and efficiency is reasonable.
  2. The supply-and-demand curve for your service has changed  If you’re missing opportunities, becoming overbooked, or having to turn away clients because the demand for your service exceeds the supply, then it makes sense to raise your rates to bring supply and demand into better balance.
  3. You want to work shorter hours  If you want to reduce the number of hours you work with clients, you can raise your rates to reflect the scarcer supply.
  4. You’re testing to gain more information  Testing a higher rate is a perfectly valid business reason. However, before you test new rates, be sure to have a fallback plan in case the new rates meet with too much resistance.
  5. You want to reposition yourself  Positioning or branding are also valid business reasons for raising your rates. However, you’d better have the necessary skills and experience to back up your new positioning. If you want to be a high-priced consultant, be sure that you can consistently deliver high quality results. Otherwise if you charge premium prices for less-than-premium service, you’re essentially scamming people.
These are some of the most common business reasons for raising your rates, but there are others, many of which are field-specific.

Common Mistakes to Avoid
Here are some common mistakes people make when raising their rates:

  1. Not raising rates at all, i.e. undercharging, is a common business mistake. This means leaving lots of money on the table and being paid signficantly less than you’re worth, especially as your skill increases. It’s a suboptimal way to run a business or build a career.
  2. Not testing is another huge mistake. If you never test higher rates, you’ll never know how much potential income you may be leaving on the table. A good approach is to test higher rates with new clients first, but keep your existing clients at the old rates for a while. This way you don’t have to risk losing your old clients if a rate increase proves ineffective and you decide to return to the old rates.
  3. Raising rates beyond what the supply-and-demand curve will bear is a common novice mistake. Some people want so much to be on the same level as the experts in their fields, but they haven’t yet acquired the skills to justify such high prices. It’s best to keep your rates reasonable (even low) until you’ve built up a decent client base. When you reach the point of having to turn away business because you’re getting overbooked, then it’s time to raise your rates. But if you overcharge right out the gate, many potential clients will know you aren’t worth as much as a seasoned expert, and they’ll avoid patronizing your business.
  4. Changing rates too often is a less common mistake but still one to be avoided. If you’re changing your rates every season, you’re going to confuse your existing clients. Frequently changing your prices will make it hard for your clients to see how your services might fit into their budgets.
Don’t be surprised if you initially see a decrease in business whenever you raise your rates. If the rates are reasonable, business should pick up again within a few weeks.

How to Raise Your Rates
Here's some advice to help you get your hourly rate trending upward:

  1. Invest in improving your service. Keep adding value; don’t get complacent. The more you improve your service and skills, the more you can charge. Note that more knowledge doesn’t always translate to better service. If you want to increase your rates, then focus on building skills with market demand. Don’t waste years learning how to do things that no one needs done (or that can be done at a lower hourly rate than what you’re already charging).
  2. Over-deliver  Provide such outstanding service that your clients feel compelled to talk about the great experiences they had. This will help your client base grow via word of mouth. Let a high quality of service be the central core of your marketing efforts. Violate your clients’ expectations in the best way possible.
  3. Keep non-core work from becoming a distraction  Take the time to establish and maintain good systems for invoicing clients, educating new clients, handling tax filings, etc. Put this type of detailed work on autopilot so it doesn’t become a distraction.
  4. Collect testimonials  When you do good work for a client, ask for a testimonial. Most satisfied clients will be happy to provide them. Then you can share the testimonials on your website or other marketing materials.
  5. Ask for referrals  Ask your clients for referrals to others they feel might benefit from your services. Some businesses even go so far as to “fire” clients who never provide any referrals because such clients are dead ends. If it seems reasonable to do so, formalize your referral program and offer referral incentives, such as by providing an affiliate program your clients can join.
  6. Leverage your strengths  If you do work that you’re especially good at, you’ll be able to raise your rates faster. Switch fields if necessary, but make sure you’re working in the sweet spot of your core talents and skills.
  7. Care about your clients  Treat your clients as real human beings, and they’ll be more likely to want to continue doing business with you — and to refer their friends, families, and co-workers to you. A business is built on relationships. If you treat your clients coldly, don’t be surprised when they respond coldly to your requests for referrals.
  8. Keep in touch Don’t be a stranger  Check in on your clients now and then. Let them know about meaningful improvements to your service. Don’t spam them with fluff, but do maintain the relationship you’ve built.
  9. Reactivate dormant clients  A client may go inactive for a variety of reasons, and many of those reasons have nothing to do with you. There’s a good chance that such clients can be reactivated, even after a year or more of inactivity. Maybe they had a bad year. Maybe there were some personal issues they had to attend to. Maybe there was a misunderstanding that can be remedied.
    If you’re open to doing more business with this client, reach out and reconnect. The worst case is that they won’t do business with you again (which is no worse than the status quo), but the best case is that you reactivate a good client who continues doing business with you for years to come, and they may generate fresh referrals for you as well.
  10. Embrace change  The world is awash in change, and change represents opportunity. Don’t be a dinosaur. When you see industry-impacting changes occurring, jump to the front of the line, and look for ways to leverage those changes to provide new and better services. For example, what new technologies are becoming available that are causing surges in demand for software developers and consultants?

Be Patient

The best rates for your service will ultimately be determined by the marketplace. Sometimes you’ll be delighted by the results. Other times you won’t like the market’s verdict, especially when it tells you there are few people willing to pay you what you’d like to earn. Realize that this is only a reflection on the social value you’re currently producing; it doesn’t speak to your intrinsic value as a human being. Accept the market’s feedback for what it is, and use it to make better decisions as you move forward. Don’t try to argue with the market — you will lose!

The nice thing about setting your own rates is that the sky is the limit. You may not be able to control market forces, but you can control how you angle your virtual surfboard and ride those forces. Will you let them toss you to the sidelines, or will you ride them to the top?

Are you a service provider?  Want to know a little bit more about the benefits of oursourced marketing? Download the PHANTOM POWER Whitepaper and apply some of these tips to your own business.

Marketing by Design
